Time is not a healer, time will only make it last
Look to the future and learn from the past

Christophe Capewell

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ground frost
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Ground Frost

words & music: ciaran flynn
© www.fono.ie

My brothers sent me searching for ground frost
They stayed at home, hoped the schools would be closed
On the old road that ran right by our home
Traffic slowed for snow we'd throw.
I always looked forward to the cars that got stuck
That's when the snow would come straight back at us
Like stones.

And girls it didn't matter, we were all just the same
A red woollen hat to us was fair game
And no-one complained.
Today I'm still feeling that fist-full of ice
Irene got even with a hit to the eye
And oh! How sweet the pain.

Back home this winter, looking for snow
Strange all that's changed in a town you've outgrown.

So where are you at, my white field of dreams,
I'm back here to see what the new year is bringing me
Back where I sat on the sled 'long these streets
Was it all just a dream, what I thought.
I thought was a memory?





www.fono.ie v2.2
© 2025: all content copyright controlled by ciaran flynn ®